We appreciate your interest in ExpertBox. Here are some simple guidelines for using our brand resources. Please follow them when you mention the ExpertBox brand.
Our brand name is case sensitive. Please spell “ExpertBox” with a capital “E” and a capital “B.”
When using the ExpertBox logo, please use only the provided color palette.
Our hero colors are:
For our logo’s background, we use White.
When placing the ExpertBox logo on a light background, use the following variant.
The font color is Dark blue 2.
If you want to place the ExpertBox logo on a dark background, here’s a version with white font.
Allow the ExpertBox logo to breathe. Leave open space to each side.
The minimal size allowed for the logo is approximately between 80x19 px to 110x24 px to ensure that all elements are placed correctly and the logo isn’t distorted. Only the horizontal logo can be used for small sizes. Do not use the vertical logo for small use.
Get familiar with the extended color palette we use for ExpertBox.
Avoid using any colors beyond this palette.
Download ExpertBox brand assets including colors and logo variations as one archive so you can use those correctly for your media materials.