
Schedule your company’s work

Increase your team’s effectiveness thanks to easy and organized scheduling. Create a schedule that accommodates every team member with individual working hours, locations, and service sets.

  • Manage your working hours
  • Add services with duration and price
  • Offer bookings for on-site services by adding your availability at a specific location
  • Define the buffer time between consultations
  • Set rescheduling and cancellation rules
  • Sync with Google Calendar
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Manage your schedule
Service management

Showcase your services value by implementing unique prices

Create services attached to the team members who provide them, add service descriptions, and categorize services so your clients can easily find what they need. You can also set different prices for each service depending on its complexity.

  • Create services with descriptions and detailed information, and price them according to their unique value
  • Categorize your services to make them easier to find
  • Highlight the advantages your client will get when booking a service by telling about the service provider
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Service management

Let your clients book services with ease

The easier it is to book a service, the better the chance your clients will choose your firm over your competitors. Allow your prospective clients to self-book or rebook a time slot that fits them. There’s no need for you to control the booking process, and with notifications, there’s no chance you’ll miss anything.

  • Offer clients to access your services and book a session in one click
  • Get notified when a booking is made
  • Have instant access to a list of bookings you can search and filter
  • Customize a widget for your website
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Set up everything for easy booking
Billing & invoicing

Bill your clients and generate invoices automatically

You don’t have to worry about going unpaid with payment requests and flexible payment methods. Allow clients to pay for your services via Stripe or manually. Additionally, you can create templates to automatically generate receipts and invoices.

  • Let your clients pay using Stripe, PayPal, or another preferred payment method (cash, bank transfer, etc.)
  • View each client’s payment history
  • Send payment requests to remind your clients when payment is due
  • Generate receipts and invoices automatically
  • Issue refunds with automated credit notes
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Provide a better billing experience
Service agreements

Create, share, and manage service agreements online

Within ExpertBox, you can create service agreements, securely share them within your team and with your clients, have clients sign them, and receive notifications about their status. You will also get customizable Terms of Use and Privacy Policy templates.

  • Create service agreements to comply with all industry and region-specific requirements
  • Share agreements to inform your clients of the terms under which you provide services, or collect their consent for data use
  • Let your clients electronically sign agreements within ExpertBox
  • Get a notification when an agreement or consent form is signed
  • View the history of agreements, policies, and consent forms in a client’s profile
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Service agreements
Intake forms

Create and automatically send intake forms

You can attach a form to a specific service to collect input when the service is booked. Create intake forms with as many fields as you need, and define when you want your clients to receive them.

  • Create custom intake forms to get all necessary information from your clients
  • Send intake forms automatically by attaching them to specific services
  • Choose when to collect intake — only once or before every appointment
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Build and send intake forms
Video calling

Offer video consulting services

With ExpertBox, you get a reliable HD-quality video calling platform that can be used for online consultations and group meetings. It’s empowered with features such as chat and screen sharing to make your work easier.

  • Use a high-quality video platform for one-on-one and group calls
  • Share your screen and chat for maximum efficiency
  • Securely access a recording of your meeting in the cloud
  • Video recordings are automatically stitched if there are any interruptions during the call
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Hold online video consultations
Notifications & reminders

Reduce distractions with smart notifications

Let your team concentrate on the most important tasks without needing to constantly check what time slots are booked or what consultations have been rescheduled. Smart notifications minimize distractions.

  • Get notified of scheduling, booking, and team activity events
  • Inform your clients of required actions by sending payment requests and notifications of upcoming consultations
  • Specify how you want to be notified: by email or in the notification panel
  • Adjust your preferences to receive only the most important notifications
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Notifications & reminders

Use secure chat for effective communication

Your team wants to always be there for your clients, providing help whenever necessary. With ExpertBox, you will always be able to guide your clients via chat as well as invite team members to join your communication.

  • Support your clients through any difficulties and resolve their questions
  • Create chats and invite participants to join, or remove participants if necessary
  • Securely share files
  • View chat history
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File sharing

Share files with your clients

Extend consultations with presentation materials and handouts using file sharing functionality. You won’t need to use third-party file sharing resources, as all files can be securely kept within ExpertBox.

  • Create or upload shareable materials
  • Securely share them with your team and clients
  • Exchange files via the in-built messenger or the client portal
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Share files to stay on the same page

Keep your workflow organized with a CRM

The success of your client relationship management hinges on your ability to effectively work with your client database. That’s why ExpertBox includes a CRM system that lets your team create a custom database, assign tasks with due dates to specific clients, and keep all data safe, updated, and private.

  • Import data from a third-party CRM database in CSV format
  • Keep your client database automatically updated when clients book appointments, or add data manually
  • Enable specialists to create private tasks with due dates to organize their workflow
  • Use custom fields and add private notes to build rich client profiles
  • View the chat and actions history of every client
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Empower your workflow with a CRM system
Client portal

Improve your clients’ experience with a client portal

Your clients’ experience in many cases depends not only on your team’s skills but on the ease of use of the platform where you provide your services. With ExpertBox, you can offer your clients all the functionality they need within one portal:

  • Personal client meeting page
  • Access to all shared files
  • Intake forms and service agreements
  • Chat and booking history
  • Payment history
  • Feedback forms
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Client portal
Feedback forms

Automate feedback forms

In order to understand the effectiveness of your business and evaluate the services provided by your team, you can implement and automated feedback collection. This will let your clients rate their experience and share their feedback.

  • Automate feedback collection
  • Schedule when to send the form
  • Let your clients rate your services after an appointment
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Automate feedback collection
Team management

Use team management tools to stay in sync

Invite your colleagues to join your team, assign them to clients, and collaborate on tasks whenever necessary. Managing a team is easy when you’ve got all the tools to stay in sync with your teammates.

  • Assign team members to client profiles
  • Securely share files with your colleagues within one platform
  • Manage access to the team and to the client database using roles
  • Invite team members to join specific tasks
  • Review your team’s activity in video recordings
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Use team management tools to collaborate